Stay Informed with the Colorado Horse Contact!
Posted on Mon, March 01, 2010

Get the information which directly affects you, when you need it. The monthly Colorado Horse Contact is a free monthly newsletter from the Colorado Horse Council, sponsored by Mountain Plains Farm Credit.

March 2010:

“Equine Art in the Park” invites you to enjoy the region’s fine artists at a gallery on the Horse Expo trade show floor.
Previewing the highlights of the Expo
George Johnson: Musings on the murky hazard of the season: MUD
Youth are in the spotlight—on horses, in training, outdoors, including a debut column by our newest addition, Gretchen Comcowich of the CSU Collegiate Horseman’s Association.
The Animal Welfare Council: However unintended, the predicted consequences of the processing plant closures are validated.
AHP: Survey of the Horse Industry yields encouraging results
Ryan Gingerich explains why “It’s NOT the bit!” when it comes to control
Karen Scholl urges you to “Believe in Yourself”
Juliet Getty reminds you to “Feed Your Horse Like A Horse” – this month, about ulcers
Don’t miss the next copy!